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Check the status on the system first. Press the * (STATUS) 2 times This will scroll through and tell you if there are any issues or if all is ok
Disarm the system. 1 + CODE
Cancel an accidental alarm. CODE or 1 + CODE
Arm to Level 2—STAY. 2 + CODE
Arm to Level 3—AWAY. 3 + CODE
Send a police alarm. Press and hold both POLICE buttons for 2 seconds.
Send an auxiliary alarm. Press and hold both AUXILIARY buttons for 2 seconds.
Send a fire alarm. Press and hold both FIRE buttons for 2 seconds.
Arm system with No Delay. STAY 2 + CODE + 4 or AWAY. = 3 + CODE + 4
Bypass a sensor. Indirectly: 2 + CODE + # or 3 + CODE + #
Directly: # + CODE + Sensor Number
Arm system silently. 5 + 2 + CODE or 5 + 3 + CODE
Check the system status. * for Short status or * + * for Full status
Turn Chime on/off. 7 + 1
Check alarm memory. 7 + 6
View Event History 8 + CODE + 8